James Stermer in Horse Creek Gulch now with Angus Reed and Bob Crosier
Log Book:
July 18, 1929
Am here in Horse Creek Gulch in a prospectors cabin with Angus Reed and Bob Crosier. Reed is 70 years old and Crosier 68. They are staking out claims for chrome iron ore. I will be with them for a while. Bob is ill and just keeping the shack.
July 19, 1929
Arose at 5:30 AM had breakfast, then climbed 2 miles farther up the gulch to another prospectors cabin here. We could use a forge to sharpen our picks and draft bar. Then we returned to the shack made dinner. After dinner we finished the work on one of the claims. We had a hard job getting the hay to release several rocks. Worked until 6:20 p.m. A long day! After working we had to climb a mile up the gulch to the shack, then cook supper. It is a hard life let me tell you.
July 20, 1929
I had a little excitement today. Killed a rattler as we went down to the diggings. Bob is a pretty sick man. Worked in the shade today for a change and it was a pleasure compared to being in the sun.
July 7-21-29
I worked only half day because it was so hot this afternoon. Wrote letters to folks back home this afternoon to take up time.
July 22, 1929
Chained off a claim this morning. After dinner I walked to Sheridan. 7 miles for food and supplies. Had to pack them on my back on my return. Carried about 30 or 40 pounds of goods. Had 5 dozen eggs in the pack and not an egg was broken. Bob certainly did appreciate my going. Collected specimens to be sent back home.
July 23, 1929
Tired. I am just about dead tonight. We chained another claim today and put out eight stakes. This afternoon we collected some specimens from the chloral lode. I packed it across the hills to a cache. It just about broke my back to carry it. It is the finest ore I have seen so far.
July 24, 1929
Just about finished the work on another claim. Hunt dig down to the chrome. Tomorrow. My hands are becoming heavily calloused from handling that muck stick and pick; Bob is feeling better and was up with me.
July 25, 1929
Talked over property values and specifications with Angus and Bob this afternoon. Have a good idea as to what stuff is like. I doubt if it is worth a million though it is a big proposition to put across at that price.
July 26, 1929
We have 13 claims done to date. By the time I leave we should have the other one discovered and the work done. I will try to sell 14 claims in all. This afternoon we chained off one and prospected another but found the chrome at the surface to be too poor in chrome oxide.
July 27, 1929
Hiked down to Sheridan for food and mail. Had shoes resoled so I will good footing when I start home. Enjoyed gossiping with the loafers for a while but it gets you no where.
July 28, 1929
Just about finished the last hole in the group of 14 at Horse Creek Gulch. Ran into hard rock as we would be done. This evening I panned out some sample ore and discovered silver in them. I now know the fundamentals of prospecting.
July 29, 1929
Have completed the work on 14 claims on Horse Creek Gulch. Panned samples for iron this afternoon had a few surprises.
July 30, 1929
Drew map of surrounding country and claims.
July 31, 1929
Finished maps and washed clothes in preparation for leaving Horse Creek. It rained today and I enjoyed every minute of it.
August 1, 1929
Washed up rest of clothes, laid around all day resting, Made flap jacks this morning.
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